Friday 1 December 2017


December 01, 2017 by Tia Esha Nombiga

From up clockwise: King George V of the United Kingdom,
Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, and Kaiser Wilhelm II of Prussia
For long years, we probs ain't know that Three Royal Cousins led their own greatest country into the World War I or the Great War began from July 28, 1914 following the assassination of the heir of Austria throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand until November 11, 1918. They were King George V of the United Kingdom, Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and Kaiser Wilhelm II of Prussia.
Three Royal Cousins as a young man
In fact, they were all cousins with each other. Georgie was first cousin to Nicky and Willy, and Nicky was third cousin to Willy. Willy's mother (German Empress Victoria of Prussia) was the eldest sister to Georgie's father (King Edward VII of the United Kingdom). Georgie's mother and Nicky's mother were sibling thru Danish Royal Family (Queen Alexandra of the United Kingdom and Empress Maria Feodorovna of Russia), and between Willy and Nicky, they shared blood-line from Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna of Russia 'the Eldest'.
From left to right: Prince David of Wales (later King Edward VIII of the UK), Tsar Nicholas II,
Tsarevich Alexei, and Prince George of Wales (later King George V of the UK)
Kaiser Wilhelm II and Tsar Nicholas II
England and Russia declared war against Germany which was reigned by their cousin, Kaiser Wilhelm II. The war ended in 1918 which caused the downfall of 4-Great Dynasties (Russian, German, Ottoman and Austro-Hongarian Empires). The history has changed. Tsar and Kaiser abdicated the throne. The Empires were abolished. The conclusion is war was still war, no matter they had family relationships or not, it was about responsibility to their people lives and also to the power of constitusional.
Sketch of Three Royal Cousins (sketched by me)

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